Aktivität 7
Which is which? Click on the question number and listen to the question. The question, "Welches Bild zeigt ..." means "Which picture shows ...?" Choose the correct picture as your answer. Repeat as often as you like to link the pronunciation of the vowel with the animal's name.
Klicken Sie
auf das Bild, um das Wort zu hören.
A |
Bild 1 |
Bild 2 |
Ä |
O |
Bild 3 | Bild 4 |
Ö |
U |
Bild 5 |
Bild 6 |
Ü |
Aktivität 8. Click on the picture and listen to the German word. Then choose the letter combination you hear in the word.
Aktivität 9. Click on the number and listen to the vowel sound. Then choose the picture for the animal that includes that vowel sound.