
Deutsch, Mittelstufe 2

Willkommen zum Kurs, Deutsch, Mittelstufe 2!

This is the fourth course in the basic German language sequence. This course is roughly the equivalent of the fourth semester of language study at a college or university.

vom deutschen Dom
Fernsehturm mit Engeln vom Deutschen Dom, Berlin
The Tell Me More language program German, Advanced Intermediate, Level B1, All Skills, form the basis of the following lessons. This course develops your ability to understand German words and expressions and to communicate verbally and in writing. You will speak German confidently with activities designed to perfect your pronunciation and to improve your command of German grammar.

The practical situations that form the scenarios for the dialogues of these lessons include shopping for clothing and food, dealing with medical problems and personnel, and travelling in the car.

Click here for information on how to enter your course.

Lektion 1. Im Einkaufzentrum

Lektion 2. Kleider anprobieren

Lektion 4: Einkäufe machen

Lektion 5: Im Supermarkt

Lektion 7: In der Notaufnahme

Lektion 8: Beim Arzt

Wir gratulieren! At this point of your program you will advance to the next language proficiency level! Go to the "My Program" tab in your Tell Me More program and click on "Add to my program." Then switch your choice of levels to "Advanced" in order to proceed to the next lesson.

Lektion 1: Im Auto

Lektion 2: Auf der Autobahn

When you have completed Lektion 2, take the Language Achievement Test in Tell Me More. You will find it on your TMM Homepage by clicking the "Tests" tab. This assessment becomes available when you have completed thirty-six hours of practice with Tell Me More.

Congratulations on your new level of proficiency! Let your instructor know whether you want your Language Achievement Test outcome entered on your Certificate of Course Completion.


Language proficiency level B2 is defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Language as follows:

A learner at this level is able to comprehend the main ideas of most texts, especially in an area of interest or specialization.

A learner at this level is able to interact verbally with native speakers on most everyday topics without strain for either party.

At this level, a learner can produce short and simple texts on subjects that are familiar or of particular interest.

Finally, the learner can also express ideas, opinions, arguments and explanations in writing.

German Beginner 1

German Beginner 2

German Intermediate 1

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