Due Dates for Writing Courses
This page shows the recommended due dates in a trimester (10-week) and semester (15-week) term. Please click here for the recommended target dates for a 5-week intensive term.
For a ten-week trimester course or a fifteen-week semester course:
- Monday of Week 2: Send in the first draft of your first writing project on the Monday following the beginning of your class (one week after your course begins). You and your teacher will discuss your theme when he or she confirms your course registration.
- Monday of Week 3: On the following Monday, you will receive your instructor's feedback and suggestions to guide you in revising your first draft.
- Monday of Week 4: You've had a week to work on it, so now send in your revision.
- Monday of week 5: Your instructor provides feedback on your first writing project .... AND ...
- You send your instructor your idea for your second writing project. Also send a list of essential vocabulary you will need to write about your topic.
- Wednesday of Week 5: Your instructor green-lights your project by return mail or contacts you to discuss details or alternatives.
- Monday of Week 6: Make it easier to think in your target language: send in an outline of your writing project. No translating!
- Monday of Week 7: Send in the first draft of your final writing project.
- Monday of Week 8: Your instructor provides recommendations for revision.
- Monday of Week 9: Send your teacher the revision of your writing project.
- Monday of Week 10: Your instructor provides feedback on your final writing project.