
Beginning German 2 - A2

The training programs German, Level A1, and Level A2, All Skills, form the basis of the following lessons. This course develops your ability to understand German words and expressions and to communicate verbally and in writing. You will speak German confidently with activities designed to perfect your pronunciation and to improve your command of German grammar.

Fernsehturm, Winter, Berlin
You will learn German words for everyday objects, animals and insects, and you will learn all about food. You will learn how to order it, buy it, cook it, and express your preferences and opinions about it. You will complete your preparations for a nice visit to a German-speaking country by learning how to make arrangements for a vacation rental.

Click here for information on how to enter your course.

Beginning German 2 picks up the Tell Me More program where Beginning German 1 ends. Therefore, the lesson numbers begin with Lesson 12 of the learning program Beginning German A1, Everyday Situations, All Skills.

Lektion 12. Tiere und Sachen

Lektion 13. Eigenschaften

Lektion 14. Willkommensparty

With this lesson you will come to the end of the TMM program A1. You will now be able to switch your program from "Beginner: All Skills" to "Intermediate: All Skills." Make this change by clicking on your "Training" tab and choosing "Add to my Program." Here you can redefine your program goals and then enter the next lesson, the first lesson of level A2.

You will discover in level A2 a great deal of review of level A1. These reviews will build your ability to express yourself orally and in writing and establish a solid foundation from which to develop your skills.

Lektion 1. Frühstück

Lektion 3. Kaffee oder Tee

Lektion 4. Hauptgerichte

Lektion 6. Nachtisch

Lektion 8. Urlaubsplanung.

When you have completed Lektion 8, take the Language Achievement Test in Tell Me More. You will find it on your TMM Homepage by clicking the "Tests" tab. This assessment becomes available when you have completed thirty-six hours of practice with Tell Me More.

Congratulations on your new level of proficiency! Let your instructor know whether you want your Language Achievement Test outcome entered on your Certificate of Course Completion.


This language proficiency level is defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Language as follows:

A learner at this level is able to understand basic vocabulary and expressions related to everyday matters (dates and times, personal and family information, basic shopping for food and clothing).

A learner at this level is able to communicate on a rudimentary level about simple and routine matters (simple exchanges of information, basic needs).

German Beginner 2

German Intermediate 1

German Intermediate 2