Immersion Courses in Spain
We are proud associates of the Sintony School of Madrid and Valencia in Spain.
In cooperation with the Sintony School, we arrange courses in Madrid and Valencia for individuals, groups, high schools, colleges, businesses and organizations.
These language courses provide an immersion learning experience ideal for learning not only Spanish, but also English, German, French or Italian, depending on the needs and interests of your group.
In cooperation with Sintony School, we can offer courses in any of our languages in Valencia or Madrid, with additional excursions varying in length from one day to a week or more to destinations of the group's choice, including
- Cataluña
- Andalucía
- Mallorca
- Munich
- Freiburg
- Rome
- Florence
- Paris
- Dijon
- London
- Vienna
- Prague
- Morocco
Planning for 2013 is now underway!
Please contact us and we will be glad to arrange a language or culture course for your group.