
English for Business - Intermediate 1 (A2/B1)

Click here for advice on beginning your course.

Introducing Yourself and Your Company
(9 hours 15 minutes)

Review basic skills with this first module of units. This module is in the Tell Me More English - Professional Situations A1/A2 program.

Unit 1. First meeting

Unit 2.Cultural excursion

Unit 3. Meeting people

Unit 4. Numbers and money

Unit 5. Cultural excursion

Unit 6. An interview

Unit 7. First Day at Work

Unit 8. Cultural excursion

Unit 9. Meeting the Boss

Unit 10. Presenting your Job

On a Business Trip
(4 hours and 15 minutes)

This module allows you to practice presenting your career history simply and to use courteous forms of address.

Unit 1. Introductions

Unit 2. A City Tour

Congratulations! Now you may return to your "My Training" tab and set your program to a new level, "Proficient, B2." The following module is the first set of lessons in your new level.

Client and Business Partner Relations 2
(9 hours and 30 minutes)

With this module you will recycle familiar structures and vocabulary and acquire new ones by practicing language for practical situations: welcoming visitors, making suggestions and planning meetings, making a sale or giving instructions on the telephone or by e-mail.

You will be able to converse on these topics with someone who speaks with a standard accent at a moderate pace.

Unit 1. The Welcome Desk

Unit 2. Appointment Setup

Unit 3. Itinerary Organization

Unit 4. Before the Visit

Unit 5. Security Rules

Unit 6. Sales Contact

Unit 7. Prospective customer

Unit 8. Contract Settlements

Unit 9. Virtual Conversation - Return a Product.

Professional Interaction II
(6 hours)

Unit 1. Company History

Unit 2. Job Application

Unit 3. Letter of Recommendation

Unit 4. Job Interview

Unit 5. Letter to Human Resources

Unit 6. About the Project

Unit 7. Company Presentation

Unit 8. Virtual conversation. Join a company team.

The activities listed above will take about 30 hours to complete. Choose an additional 6 hours of practice with Tell Me More from the video program or additional units on Grammar, Vocabulary or Workshops, all available from the "My Training" tab on your TMM homepage. Your My Language Requirement instructor will be happy to help you choose an appropriate activity, if you like.

Remember, after 18 hours of practice you will be able to take the Midterm Assessment. At the end of the course you will take the Language Achievement Test to discover your new proficiency level.


This language proficiency level is defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Language as follows:

A learner at this level is able to understand basic vocabulary and expressions related to everyday matters (dates and times, personal and family information, basic shopping for food and clothing).

A learner at this level is able to communicate on a rudimentary level about simple and routine matters (simple exchanges of information, basic needs).


Language proficiency level B1 is defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Language as follows:

A learner at this level is able to comprehend most standard language related to everyday situations including work and leisure.

A learner at this level is able to cope with most situations that may normally arise in everyday life while travelling in an area where the target language is spoken.

At this level, a learner can produce short and simple texts on subjects that are familiar or of particular interest.

Finally, the learner can also express personal opinions and preferences, talk about hopes and dreams, the past and the future. The B1-level speaker can give short, simple explanations for plans or opinions.

Additional Lessons


For the Professions