
English for Business - A1

This course develops basic skills through the use of professional situations and scenarios. You will be able to introduce yourself and talk about your experience and education, make telephone calls and write emails, plan and participate in a meeting.

Click here for advice on beginning your course.

English for Client and Business Relationships

Greet someone and exchange basic information.
Exchange information about events.
Write basic emails.
Engage in brief conversations on familiar topics with a sympathetic listener.

Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Lesson 6

Lesson 7

Continue with the next set of units, "Presentations and Meetings."
These units will take about 7 hours.

Lesson 8

This lesson beings with the TMM program "Presentations and Meetings".

When you complete this program you will be able to have simple conversations about topics familiar to you, such as your work and what you do there. You will be able to write a basic memo and email. You will be able to have a short conversation on a familiar topic with a sympathetic partner.

Lesson 9

Lesson 10

Lesson 11

Lesson 12

Lesson 13

Lesson 14

Lesson 14 completes the sequence "Presentations and Meetings." In the last lessons of this course, you will move to the units of the sequence entitled "Organization." In this sequence, you will practicing making and taking reservations and dealing with simple documents like forms.

Lesson 15


Lesson 16

Lesson 17

Lesson 18

The 18 lessons here include around 18 hours of activities. To reach your goal of 36 hours of work with TMM, use additional resources or practice the difficult parts of the lessons again.

Select a topic of interest from the available videos. Also select appropriate units from the lessons for various professions.

Each Tell Me More lesson includes extra units on Grammar and Vocabulary as well as Workshops. Use a variety of these resources to reach the goal of 36 hours of practice with TMM.

Level A1

This is a level defined by the Common European Framework as follows:

At level A1, the learner is a beginner who can ...

...understand and use very basic vocabulary and phrases to satisfy basic needs,

... introduce oneself and others and provide basic information such as nationality and age,

... interact with others in a simple manner provided with a sympathetic speech partner who speaks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.

Additional Lessons


For the Professions