
Beginning Italian 2- A2

Italiano A2 Italian, Beginning 2 (A2)

In this level, you will review the concepts and vocabulary you learned

Roman arch
Arch and Colosseum, Rome
in Italian, Beginning 1 (A1). The lessons include activities for comprehension and self-expression to maintain and expand your skill level and knowledge of vocabulary and Italian grammar as well as your ability to understand and to express yourself orally and in writing.

In these lessons you will learn how to reserve vacation accomodations, how to order food or buy groceries and prepare a meal, how to talk about the weather and plan leisure activities.

Click here for more information on how to begin work with your course.

Lezione 1. Prenotare una Villa Lesson 1. Reserving a Villa
  • Fare una descripzione della casa.
  • Famiglie lessicali. Tipi di allogio, mobili.
  • Grammatica. "Nè ... nè .. ," "c'è" e "ci sono," il diminutivo.
  • 2:30
  • Describe a house and its contents.
  • Vocabulary. Types of lodging, furniture.
  • Grammar. "Neither ... nor," "there is" and "there are," the diminutive.
Lezione 2. Vacanze estive Lesson 2. Summer vacation
  • Imparare a fare delle critiche e a descrivere ciò che no funciona.
  • Famiglie lessicali. Mobili, elettrodomestici, stima e disprezzo
  • Grammatica. Gli aggetivi demonstrativi, il futuro, espressioni con "stare," coniunzione di "fare."
  • 2:32
  • Learn to criticize and describe what is not working.
  • Vocabulary. Furniture, electrical appliances, expressing approval and disapproval.
  • Grammar. Demonstrative adjectives, future tense, expressions with "stare," conjugation of "fare."
Lezione 3. Che tempo fa? Lesson 3. How is the weather?
  • Imparare a fare delle domande sul tempo.
  • Famiglie lessicali. Vocabulario meteorologico.
  • Grammatica. I verbi impersonale, il superlativo relativo.
  • 2:00
  • Learn to ask questions about the weather.
  • Vocabulary. Meteorology.
  • Grammar. Impersonal verbs, the relative superlative.
Lezione 4. Sotto la pioggia Lesson 4. In the rain
  • Parlare del tempo che fa.
  • Famiglie lessicale: Meteo, tipi di vestiti.
  • Grammatica: il future dei verbi.
  • 2:01
  • Talk about how the weather is.
  • Vocabulary. Meteorology, types of clothing.
  • Grammar. The future tense.
Lezione 5. Cucinare Lesson 5. Cooking
  • Apparecchiare e sparecchiare la tavola.
  • Famiglie lessicali. Utensili di cucina, ciba e cottura.
  • Grammatica. Il condizionale di "avere" e "essere."
  • 2:36
  • Setting and clearing the table.
  • Vocabulary. Kitchen utensils, food and baking.
  • Grammar. The conditional of "to have" ("avere") and "to be" ("essere").
Lezione 6. Apparecchiare Lesson 6. Set the table
  • Imparare il vocabulario relativo alla tavola.
  • Famiglie lessicali. Alimentazione, allogio, fuoco.
  • Grammatica. "avere bisogno"
  • 1:31
  • Learn Italian words related to the table.
  • Vocabulary. Foods, lodgings, talking about light and heat.
  • Grammar. "avere bisogno" ("to need something").
Lezione 7. La musica Lesson 7. Music
  • Famiglie lessicale. La musica e gli strumenti musicali.
  • Grammatica. Il verbo "sentire" y l'imperfetto
  • 2:06
  • Vocabulary: Music and musical instruments.
  • Grammar. The verb "sentire" and formation of the imperfect.
Lezione 8. Actività culturali Lesson 8. Cultural activities

Actività culturali

Cultural activities.

Lezione 8 is the last unit assigned for this course. When you complete all your lessons, take the Language Achievement Test found in Tell Me More. You can find this by clicking on the "Tests" tab on your TMM Homepage. It becomes available after you have practiced thirty-six hours with Tell Me More.

Congratulations on your new proficiency level! Let your MLR instructor know if you want this outcome recorded on your Certificate of Course Completion.


This language proficiency level is defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Language as follows:

A learner at this level is able to understand basic vocabulary and expressions related to everyday matters (dates and times, personal and family information, basic shopping for food and clothing).

A learner at this level is able to communicate on a rudimentary level about simple and routine matters (simple exchanges of information, basic needs).

Beginning Italian 1

Beginning Italian 2

Intermediate Italian 1

Intermediate Italian 2

Advanced Italian (Professional Situations)

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